Close Protection


Close Protection

Danger from hostile threats is now a reality for most of us; not just celebrities, high profile individuals and the wealthy.

With the threat posed to our clients ever evolving, we specifically handpick Close Protection Officers who have served in the Close Protection Unit of the Royal Military Police, the UK Special Forces, Metropolitan Police Royalty Protection / Special Branch, those who are qualified in the Police National Close Protection Course or are suitably selected SIA Close Protection Operatives with extensive operational experience.

Our expertise in threat prevention and mitigation, combined with our unparalleled discretion and professionalism, ensures our clients are assured they are both safe and receiving the very best of service.

It’s not only important that Close Protection Officers provide a visual deterrence, but it is vital that they know how to successfully confront and deal with the very real threats that exist. This is where the experience of our team stands out, with our Close Protection Officers hand chosen from the very best Close Protection Units who have protected World Leaders, Politicians, Military Officials as well as High Profile & High Net Worth Individuals

Secure Your Future With Us Today

Your organisation deserves a tailored, proactive security strategy.
Let us help you reduce risk, enhance resilience, and safeguard your future.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step
toward securing your business.

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